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Psoriasis Scalp
Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, affects millions globally, causing red, itchy patches.

Psoriasis Scalp Symptoms

Dryness frequently results in sensitivity. When the skin's barrier weakens, it can't retain moisture, leading to dehydration.
Scalp redness refers to the irritation of the skin on the scalp, often characterized by a reddish appearance.
Itchiness/ Scratching
Scalp itchiness may result from bacterial presence or dryness, leading to discomfort and irritation on the scalp.
Dandruff can occur due to the presence of bacteria or dryness
Less is more.
To ensure a remarkably efficient and safe solution for a hypoallergenic scalp, we work closely with dermatologists and successfully pass rigorous testing protocols. Our meticulous scrutiny of all ingredients allows us to minimize any potential triggers for scalp allergies.
Psoriasis Treatment
Simply Hydro 3 Steps Scalp Care Regime

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